Hiplito Pena Alvarez was born in Caracas (Venezuela) a June 24, 1969, from early leanings feel anything having to do with the creative theme. At the age of 12 years begins to form, inicindose continuacin in drawing and painting in this process was continued until 16 years as a student of some artists and various exhibitions and getting prizes. In 1985 he moved his residence to the Corua (Spain) where he continued his formation but tomndola as a complement to their academic training, it was not until 1993 when he entered the Art Pablo Picasso in Corua when she decided to creation as a professional, alldescubre a world that captivates, his specialty Volume techniques. Experience with modeling, casting, ceramics, gold, polychrome, etc. Ends and Die Training will enter the factory of ceramic Sada O Castro Sargadelos belonging to the group. In 1999 he moved to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria where he currently resides and where his workshop "Atelier", now shares her work between painting, sculpture, decoration in general and teaching.